BIOQUANT Topographer: Atlas Shop
The Atlas Shop is the Topographer’s editing and measurement environment. There are tools to correct topographic errors that were introduced during measurement, to apply special formatting to an atlas that is to be surface rendered, to convert an atlas to a planar histogram, and to take additional measurements directly from the reconstructed atlas. Possible measurements include: volume, area, counts, and distances between structures.
Reconstruction quantification
Measures, in microns, count per volume, area, count per area, and distance.
Serial section alignment
Uses dual point alignment to automatically align serial sections.
SVG output
Export BMP files with SVG overlay for dynamic resizing of tracings without distortion.
Object selection and manipulation tools
Includes select by color, select with polygon, select with rectangle, and select from data list.
Rotate, resize, change Z height, change color, Z sort, change resolution, and open/close polygon.
Object editing tools
Include split and join objects, straighten edge, redefine edge, delete objects.