Conditional Loss of Ikkα in Sp7/osterix+ Cells Has No Effect on Bone, but Leads to Cell Autonomous, Age-related Loss of Peripheral Fat


Jennifer L Davis, Nitin K Pokhrel, Linda Cox, Roberta Faccio, Deborah J Veis


NF-κB has been reported to both promote and inhibit bone formation. To further explore its role in osteolineage cells, we conditionally deleted IKKα, an upstream kinase required for non-canonical NF-κB activation, using Sp7/Osterix (Osx)-Cre. Surprisingly, we found no effect on either cancellous or cortical bone, even following mechanical loading. However, we noted that IKKα conditional knockout (cKO) mice began to lose body weight after 6 months of age with severe reductions in fat mass in geriatric animals. Low levels of recombination at the IKKα locus were detected in fat pads isolated from 15 month old cKO mice. To determine if these effects were mediated by unexpected deletion of IKKα in peripheral adipocytes, we looked for Osx-Cre-mediated recombination in fat using reporter mice, which showed increasing degrees of reporter activation in adipocytes with age up to 18 months. Since Osx-Cre-driven recombination in peripheral adipocytes increases over time, we conclude that loss of fat in aged cKO mice is most likely caused by progressive deficits of IKKα in adipocytes. To further explore the effect of IKKα loss on fat metabolism, we challenged mice with a high fat diet at 2 months of age, finding that cKO mice gained less weight and showed improved glucose metabolism, compared to littermate controls. Thus, Osx-Cre mediated recombination beyond bone, including within adipocytes, should be considered as a possible explanation for extraskeletal phenotypes, especially in aging and metabolic studies.